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Lung Mu, Chinese Mother of Dragons

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Lung Mu, Chinese Mother of Dragons 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bergmeister » February 18, 2014 12:15pm | Report
Lung Mu: Mother of Dragons (Mage)

Passive: Nurture: Every time Lung Mu uses one of her damaging abilities, that ability will gain a bonus of 2.5% more damage each time it is used ( up to 4 stacks). These stacks will last until either death, or until she returns to the well.

Ability 1: Dragon Rider: Long Mu summons one a dragon. She will ride on top of this dragon for 2/2.53/3.5/4seconds. During this time her basic attack becomes a narrow fiery cone in front of her that deals the damage of her basic attack. And deals damage at the same speed of her attack speed( does not apply on hit effects). Has half the range of her normal basic attacks, but the width of Ymirs wall at full range. During this time Lung Mu has 20% more movement speed.
Mana: 60/65/70/75/80
Cooldown: 12 seconds

Ability 2: Rush of the Serpent: Lung Mu sends one of her dragons in a line dealing 60/100/140/180/220(+60% magical damage) to all enemies hit. The dragon will wrap himself around the first god he comes in contact with and deals the damage and will cripple the enemy for 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2 seconds.
Mana: 40/50/60/70/80
Cooldown: 12 seconds

Ability 3: Rain Circle: Lung Mu summons one of her dragons at the target location( the size of Poseidon's pool). The dragon will be flying in an area above that circle in a space about the size of Ymirs ultimate, spraying rain at the circle, dealing 35/50/65/80/95(+20% magical damage) to all enemies in the circle every half a second for 3 seconds.
Mana: 50/60/70/80/90
Cooldown: 10 seconds


Ability 3: Eye of the Storm: Lung Mu summons a dragon to fly in a circle the size of Ymirs ultimate in the sky. It will rain everywhere in this circle except for a circle the size of Poseidon's pool in the center. This rain will deal 35/50/65/80/95(+20% magical damage) every half a second for 3 seconds to each enemy in the rain.
Mana: 30/40/50/60/70
Cooldown: 14 seconds

Ability 4: Twin Dragon Spin: Lung Mu's 2 strongest dragons spiral out of the ground dealing 100/140/180/220/260(+30% magical damage) and knocking up all enemies hit. When they reach the peak of the spiral, they split and begin to curve downward. 1.5 seconds after they come out of the ground, they converge at the second chosen point, dealing 100/160/220/280/340(+30% magical damage) to all enemies hit. The radius when they come out is the size of Poseidon's whirlpool, and they appear .5 seconds after the ability is activated. The landing position is the size 3/4 that size( which is 15).
Mana: 80/90/100/110/120
Cooldown: 90 seconds


Notable (2)
Posts: 69
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sloogz » February 18, 2014 2:00pm | Report
I'm just gonna come straight out and say it, she's is heavily inspired by Nu Wa.
Her passive is almost a direct copy, but with basic attacks.
Her 1 is blatantly overpowered. In a teamfight you just get Fatalis and Doom Orb and the game would be over. Have 3 dragons out, you're dealing 2.5x damage to everyone. All the time. Always. For 5 seconds.
Everything else looks good, except that both of her 3's are really bland.
Her 2 is probably the best ability in the kit, considering it's basically Spirit Arrow.


Notable (4)
Posts: 180
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bergmeister » February 18, 2014 2:41pm | Report
Would you prefer if I made it so that the one doesn't apply on hit effects and lasts for a shorter duration? I also think that shortening the range will balance it out a little bit more. I didn't ever put much thought into the power of her passive, so I will give it some more thought. The 3's are not thy at bland, and the cc on the 2 will change to make it less like spirit arrow.


Notable (2)
Posts: 69
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sloogz » February 18, 2014 3:11pm | Report
Bergmeister wrote:

Would you prefer if I made it so that the one doesn't apply on hit effects and lasts for a shorter duration? I also think that shortening the range will balance it out a little bit more. I didn't ever put much thought into the power of her passive, so I will give it some more thought. The 3's are not thy at bland, and the cc on the 2 will change to make it less like spirit arrow.

The 3's really are bland. They're just AOE DOT. Nothing special there that makes it a new or interesting idea.

You need to do a couple things on the 1-
- Have it scale by attack speed, instead of having free 2.0 attack speed for pressing 1
- Reduce overall damage. Nu Wa's fire crystal give her 50% OF HER ATTACK IN THE AREA. Not 100%. You have to ult to get that.
- Reduce cone size. I don't care what your build is, if it's as wide as wall and that far, it's op to the next degree.

Also, the current state of her passive causes her to only have 3 dragons AT MAX at level 4, and 4 at level 5. The cooldowns cause her to never have 5 dragons out, without a ton of CDR.

You shouldn't have to itemize just to get the most out of your passive.

Her ult is kinda weird now that i think about it, considering enemies will have time to move out of the way once the first strike hits. Also, if you do manage to hit both, it's not enough damage. At rank five its 600 flat.
All things aside, her ult is just another AOE nuke at face value.


Notable (4)
Posts: 180
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bergmeister » February 18, 2014 3:28pm | Report
I agree with the 1 and the passive is going to be changed, the second hit of the ultimate will gain more scaling, but do you not realize that a majority of the abilities in smite are very similar. Oh no another AOE nuke. What else would I make it. Another snipe ability? I am sorry that It isn't a perfect set up of new ideas. I appreciate all of your feedback and you too have brilliant ideas. Honestly I can probably come up with any idea and you could probably find a way to make it seem either like a copy, or that it is boring, or any other way to basically make me think that I made a ****py ability.


Notable (2)
Posts: 69
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sloogz » February 18, 2014 4:48pm | Report
The thing is, Nemesis, the last goddess released, all her abilities are unique. No other god in the game has any moves REMOTELY close to what she has. The double dash, the shield, the inside cone, the targeted steal for ult, that's all original.

So what's stopping you from making new ideas?

Honestly i think it's a lack of creativity, but also the fact that there's a ton of gods already in the game.

There has to be a balance between creativity and, well, balance.

I don't mean to make you feel like a bad god-maker, I'm just a naturally voiced and assertive person I think.

I apologize for any offense.

I have an idea-
how about we collaborate and make a god together? You and me-
I was thinking Ah Ciliz, the Mayan God of solar eclipses. He would make a cool support.



Notable (4)
Posts: 180
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bergmeister » February 18, 2014 5:46pm | Report
OMG! dead serious I was thinking the same exact thing. I was just out at dinner and I was like ya know what, you are amazing at balance, and together I think something original wouldn't be a problem.
Oh and sorry about that prior message I get pretty frustrated and cranky when I am hungry.


Notable (2)
Posts: 69
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sloogz » February 19, 2014 6:45pm | Report
Bergmeister wrote:

OMG! dead serious I was thinking the same exact thing. I was just out at dinner and I was like ya know what, you are amazing at balance, and together I think something original wouldn't be a problem.
Oh and sorry about that prior message I get pretty frustrated and cranky when I am hungry.

I know the hunger feels.
The feels.

We just moved, 14 hour drive without food.
My stomach will never be the same.

But yeah, do you have a skype? I think you could PM me that and we could get started.


Notable (4)
Posts: 180

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