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Inanna, Queen of the Heavens, A Mesopotamian Goddess

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Inanna, Queen of the Heavens, A Mesopotamian Goddess 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by corruptjet » March 15, 2017 8:02am | Report
I got bored so here is a god idea. (Edited to be slightly less broken)(and one last fix because I forgot to fix the ultimate)

Inanna, Mesopotamian Queen of the Heavens

Class- Warrior (because a god/goddess of war has to be a WARrior, and there is no god that goes against this rule.) (Yes I know there is Ares/Athena/Xing Tian and maybe a few other, I’m trying to be funny man.)

Weapons- dual levitating Greatswords (Mostly because I have Ramlethal on the brain currently, but I think it works. In fact let’s just say she looks like a taller, buster Ramlethal with a Sumerian crown rather than her normal hat.)

Basic attack progression (Probably important so someone)-
.75-Left hand sword swing from left to right.
.75-Right hand sword swing from right to left.
1-Swings both swords from right to left, cleave.
1-Swings both swords from left to right, cleave.

Passive- Divine Marriage-
At the beginning of the game, Inanna picks one allied god to become her spouse. Inanna gains a portion of her spouse’s stats from items.
If Inanna’s spouse dies, they will remain her spouse, but if Inanna dies then when she respawns she can select a new one.

-Inanna and her spouse gain 10% of each other’s bonus health, mana, physical protections, magical protections, penetrations, CDR, CCR, HP5, MP5, attack speed, movement speed, and critical chance from items.
-When bound to a physical god, both Inanna and her spouse gain 10% of each other’s physical power from items.
-When bound to a magical god, Inanna gains 5% of her spouse’s magic power from as physical power, and her spouse gains 20% of her physical power as magical power.

First- Eight Point Rosette-
Inanna releases a ring of eight spears which, after a second of preparation time, begin to spin around her, dealing 5/8/10/12/15 (+3% of your physical power) damage every 0.125 seconds to all enemies within a 15 unit radius around her for 5 seconds.
Inanna can recast this ability before it finish and the spears will transfer to her spouse, spinning around them instead. Can only be done once.
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
Cooldown: 15s (Which starts after the ring dissipates)

Second- Lion’s Wrath-
Inanna increases her physical power by 10/15/20/25/30 for 6 seconds, and she transforms herself into a lioness for her next basic attack, causing her to dash forward 30 units with the attack. This dash attack passes through minions and stops on the first enemy god hit, dealing basic attack damage and applying on hit effects to all units hit, as well as weakening the god's damage by 20% for three seconds.
Inanna’s spouse will also get this power buff and dashing lion attack when Inanna activates this ability, regardless of their distance from her upon activation. If her spouse is a range unit, then their next auto attack will instead launch a lion forward. This attack is pierces through units and stops on enemy gods, and retains all the variables of Inanna’s dash attack. If Inanna’s spouse is a magic unit, then they instead gain 20/30/40/50/60 magic power.
If Inanna and her spouse hit the same target with their attacks then the weakening is increased to 30% and is refreshed.
Cost: 65/70/75/80/85
Cooldown: 15s

Third- Love and War-
Grabs the closet god within melee range. This can be used on both ally and enemy gods, and has different effects based on who is grabbed.
If an enemy god is grabbed, then Inanna flips them over herself and slams them into the ground behind her. Enemies thrown like this take 75/125/175/225/275 (+50% of your physical power) damage and are crippled and slowed by 20% for 2 seconds.
If an ally god is grabbed, then Inanna wraps the two of them up in her cloak, incapacitating both of them but protecting them with a powerful 200/400/600/800/1000 (+100% of your physical power) health shield. This shield uses Inanna’s protections. While in their little shelter, Inanna and her ally heal for 15/20/25/30/35 (+15% of your physical power) health every second for 10 seconds. If Inanna grabbed her spouse then this heal's base power is boosted by 25%. Inanna can cancel this ability whenever she wants, but it will also be force canceled if either Inanna or her ally die during the channeling, or the shield is destroyed.
Cost: 70/75/80/85/90
Cooldown: 25s

Ultimate- In My Place-
Upon activation Inanna and her spouse begin charging for three seconds. After three seconds, they both unleash a blast of energy that deals 140/190/240/290/340 (+50% of your physical power) damage to all enemies in a 55 unit radius around them, and Inanna and her spouse switch places, regardless of their distance from each other. If an enemy is hit with both blasts, then the second blast does half damage. After the initial blast, the bonus stat gain Inanna and her spouse gain from Divine marriage is doubled for ten seconds. Once the ten seconds is over the two switch back.
Inanna can cast this ultimate even when her spouse or she herself is dead, but not when both are. The ability works the same way, and one takes the place of the other in the underworld, allowing the once dead party to fight from beyond the grave for ten seconds.
Kills made during this ultimate are always credited to the person who is supposed to be alive, but if summoned character dies while on the map, then death is counted towards the person that was supposed to be alive, and they both die.
The respawn timer of the person who is supposed to be dead still counts down while this ultimate is active. If the respawn timer hits zero while the ultimate is active, then when the ultimate times out the god will respawn as normal. if they die during the ultimate however the respawn timer with refresh.
Cost: 100/105/110/115/120
Cooldown: 200/180/160/140/120s


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by CirclesAreRound » March 15, 2017 8:14am | Report
Looks very overpowered


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Duotem » March 15, 2017 9:13am | Report
Passive only is broken as hell. You just pair with the adc every game and build full tank so your adc takes greatly reduced damage. It was bad enough when soul eater was a hybrid item and now they can have defense tailored against the enemy team, can get qins while building triple crit, and providing high dps to a tank.

To be honest that alone would make her an auto ban because if you got her you should just win.

The extended melee autos for 1 attack is unnecessary especially with the cleave.

The one has 120% scaling, is global, and the ability to switch it whenever you want makes it so no one can attack. Not to mention the protections add to the tanky adc issue. Its also only a 10 second cooldown like wut.

The two weakens what exactly? Damage, protections, or regen? It also allow you to **** over your teammate by making them dash when they dont want to. Ez troll material.

The three: So you're giving it displacement, one of the strongest forms of cc in the game and slow for 90 mana and what likely will be a 12 second cooldown cause the god loves cdr.

Then for an ally you're giving what likely is a 1000 shield, at least, to two characters that combines defense stats of two characters, one of which is a tank? Nike on release only got a 1200 hp
at 3k hp and that was nerfed. I hope its a combined shield and not a shield for each. Then a 350 + 150% heal that gets boosted by 50% of something, not sure if base, scaling, or both if she grabs the character she wants to protect anyways.

The ult: CC immunity for 2 characters globally, 340 AOE + possible 50% increase and a teleport that can be done repeatedly, plus increased protection for the carry and damage for you. Plus they allow you to swap when dead to totally turn teamfights by switching in the middle of it and basically get a fresh team member with all their cooldowns up. Not to mention the player who was supposed to be dead gets to respawn as usual. You have this on a base 80 cooldown at max which lowers to 48 with max cdr.

This is the definition of a game breaking god lmao


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by corruptjet » March 15, 2017 10:37am | Report
Duotem wrote:

Passive only is broken as hell. You just pair with the adc every game and build full tank so your adc takes greatly reduced damage. It was bad enough when soul eater was a hybrid item and now they can have defense tailored against the enemy team, can get qins while building triple crit, and providing high dps to a tank.

To be honest that alone would make her an auto ban because if you got her you should just win.

The extended melee autos for 1 attack is unnecessary especially with the cleave.

The one has 120% scaling, is global, and the ability to switch it whenever you want makes it so no one can attack. Not to mention the protections add to the tanky adc issue. Its also only a 10 second cooldown like wut.

The two weakens what exactly? Damage, protections, or regen? It also allow you to **** over your teammate by making them dash when they dont want to. Ez troll material.

The three: So you're giving it displacement, one of the strongest forms of cc in the game and slow for 90 mana and what likely will be a 12 second cooldown cause the god loves cdr.

Then for an ally you're giving what likely is a 1000 shield, at least, to two characters that combines defense stats of two characters, one of which is a tank? Nike on release only got a 1200 hp
at 3k hp and that was nerfed. I hope its a combined shield and not a shield for each. Then a 350 + 150% heal that gets boosted by 50% of something, not sure if base, scaling, or both if she grabs the character she wants to protect anyways.

The ult: CC immunity for 2 characters globally, 340 AOE + possible 50% increase and a teleport that can be done repeatedly, plus increased protection for the carry and damage for you. Plus they allow you to swap when dead to totally turn teamfights by switching in the middle of it and basically get a fresh team member with all their cooldowns up. Not to mention the player who was supposed to be dead gets to respawn as usual. You have this on a base 80 cooldown at max which lowers to 48 with max cdr.

This is the definition of a game breaking god lmao

Thank you for you're replay, let me answer some things though.

Thinking back on the passive, I see now that it's overpowered, will probably change that, defiantly remove the item passive sharing.

1- probably remove the protections and constant switching, and the cooldown was an after thought. 15s would proably be better.

2- when I say 'weaken' I meant their damage output. I thought that was a universal MOBA term I'll make that more clear. also I know the for dash on the ability is a little hard on your partner, I wanted this character to involve a lot of communication between the players, but might just switch this to a basic attack buff anyway.

3- I didn't think the displacement was to powerful. I wasn't envisioning a fling like Sobek's, but more like Diablo's overpower from Hero's of the Storm. another cooldown and mana cost increase would probably be needed here though.
As for the shield, I was thinking this would only count as one unit. The protections added together was supposed to be removed, I'll fix that. the reason I made the shield have such a high number was because the two are also completely immobile while the channeling is activated, so it would be easy to burst down the shield, since the new Wind Demon meta is a thing.

4- Ultimate yeah increase the cooldown/cost. unfortunately all cooldowns on this were added as an after thought, really should have though about those more. Also remove the CC immunity, cleanse and switching ability

Again, thanks for your input, I'll probably revise this broken piece real soon.


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