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God Idea: Nidhogg.

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » God Idea: Nidhogg. 15 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » July 1, 2013 4:20pm | Report
Hello, everyone. Decided to come back with a new god concept: Nidhogg!

Nidhogg, The Malice Striker.

All living creatures die one day, some are sent to Valhalla, others to Niflheim. While noble, brave warriors go to Valhalla, old and sick people go to Niflheim, ruled by Hel, the Goddess of Underworld, and Nidhogg, the Malice Striker.

Nidhogg was an trully one of the most powerful creatures from Norse times, so, to contain such power, the Gods bound Nidhogg to the Great Tree, Yggdrasill. And so Nidhogg was the protector of the Niflheim, devouring the dead corpses of people who went to this worst.

The Ragnarok already started, and Nidhogg is now unbounded from the Tree. And now, he is ready to strike all his malice he've been waiting to.

In SMITE, Nidhogg is an Melee Physical Assassin/ Bruiser.

Pantheon: Norse.
Pros: High Single Target Damage, High Mobility, Great Jungler.
Cons: Low Defense.

Branch of Yggdrasill.

Every 2 Minutes, Nidhogg liberates a branch of Yggdrasill, which gives him Map vision and can be used by Teleports. Branch is destroyed when Nidhogg/Allies use it. Enemies can destroy the Branch. Certain abilities of Nidhogg has additional effects on Branches, although using an ability on the Branch destroys it.
Ability: Ward.
Branch HP: 80HP.
Branch Duration: 5 Minutes.
Affects: Self/Allies.

Rotten Breath.

Nidhogg breathes a rotten waft in a cone in front of him, poisoning the enemies; doing damage overtime.
Ability: Cone.
Damage per Tick: 25/40/55/70/85 (+20% of your physical power)
Poison Lifetime: 4 Seconds.
Cost: 80/90/100/110/120.
Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/10 s


Nidhogg devours an enemie unit( creeps or gods), doing true damage and healing Nidhogg if the enemy god/creep dies. After that, Nidhogg's movement speed is increased for 3 Seconds. Can't be used on Fire Giant or Gold Fury.
Ability: Melee Target.
Damage: 90/110/150 True Damage.
Heal: 80/130/180/230/260 (+40% of your physical power)
Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 Mana.
Cooldown: 14 Seconds.


Nidhogg leaps to the target ground location, doing damage. If Nidhogg slams his Branch of Yggdrasill, enemies are rooted.
Ability: Ground Target.
Damage: 130/190/240/210/320 (+20% of your physical power)
Root: 0.5/0.7/1.0/1.3./1.5s.
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 Mana.
Cooldown: 12 Seconds.

Rotten Roots.

After a small buildup, Nidhogg summons Roots from the Great Tree, Yggdrasill, on the target ground location, doing damage and rooting enemies on the area. Rotten Roots range is increased if casted close to a Branch of Yggdrasill.
Ability: Ground Target.
Damage: 340/465/570/695/820 (+110% of your physical power)
Root: 1.6/1.8/2/2.2/2.4S.
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90 seconds.

Creator's Thoughts:
Nidhogg would be a great jungler, and not a teamfight reliant god( Teamfights may even hurt him, lol). Anyways, his passive is a ''free ward'', good reason to use Nidhogg in the jungle, although it only drops the ward each 2 Seconds and the enemies can destroy it. His 1 would be his ''bread'', his main damagig ability. His 2 would be used only to secure kills and to heal himself in the jungle( can't be used to steal great buffs such as FG and GF). His 3 is his leap, nothing special at all. While his Ultimate is a big AoE one, but not similar to tanky ultimates such as from Ymir and Sobek. Similar gods to Nidhogg would be Bakasura and Fenrir. His jokes, taunts and responses would be related to Yggdrasill, Trees and perhaps Ratatoskr. And also, his death animation would be the Roots of Yggdrasill trapping and pulling him to the Underworld( Niflheim).

Some Responses I've worked on:
[*] Back to the Roots( Entering the arena).
[*] Rot' them off( Using Rotten Breath).
[*] Get over here!( Using Slam).
[*] *Roar* ROOTS! (Using Rotten Roots).
[*] I'm hungry enough to eat... myself?( On Death).
[*] I'm hungry... you're next( Taunt).
[*] Time to trap you on my belly( Taunt).
[*] I hate Fresh meat. So... Fresh( Joke).
[*] There was a guy called Ratat- *cough* *cough* sorry, furball( Joke).

Idea created by:

Thanks to:

Dark Jaw

Prominent (44)
Posts: 1142
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KillianJones » July 1, 2013 4:48pm | Report
Great idea, i only think you could make him less Fenrir and Bakasura, new gods must have new movesets, not old ones.


Posts: 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Khaldron » July 1, 2013 5:57pm | Report
Good idea, i love him (AoM), but his ulti damage is too low, i know the advantage of jumping and aoe, but comparing with poseidon, hercules, ymir, even ares (has a monster cc), he still loses, not to mention the damage over second, gods can run from it, u could add a root (could fit with ygg), or slow, even stun, with a little more dmg, or just increase damage (i understand that u wanted to this be a cons, that would fit better if u still want it).
Another little observation is that he is a dragon, it appears u tought him as a serpent (i dont know it he flyies or spit fire, just saying to expand ideas)
Finally, i dont like 2 jumps, too much scape and chasing, so u could eliminate the jump from his ult, add other effect, so players would use the third skill to combo with ult (***i dont understand that little damage increase from lvl 3 to 4 in ultimate, i think u didnt saw it)


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Posts: 86
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » July 1, 2013 6:13pm | Report
Khaldron wrote:

Good idea, i love him (AoM), but his ulti damage is too low, i know the advantage of jumping and aoe, but comparing with poseidon, hercules, ymir, even ares (has a monster cc), he still loses, not to mention the damage over second, gods can run from it, u could add a root (could fit with ygg), or slow, even stun, with a little more dmg, or just increase damage (i understand that u wanted to this be a cons, that would fit better if u still want it).
Another little observation is that he is a dragon, it appears u tought him as a serpent (i dont know it he flyies or spit fire, just saying to expand ideas)
Finally, i dont like 2 jumps, too much scape and chasing, so u could eliminate the jump from his ult, add other effect, so players would use the third skill to combo with ult (***i dont understand that little damage increase from lvl 3 to 4 in ultimate, i think u didnt saw it)

I was thinking his ult damage was too high, lmao. Well, if you say so, I'll try to update it as soon as possible. The root idea is good, Neith is the only current god with that system and Nidhogg could make a nice use of it.

I see, well. Then I could make some CC, remove the ''low CC thingy''. Then his Ult will have a root( Summons a big branch of Yggdrasill from the ground, rooting people and doing damage).

And not quite as a serpent. I wanted to make him a dragon-without-wings thing, I think that Winged Dragon are overrated. Well, there is another representation of him that I'll probably use for now, what do you think?

Dark Jaw

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Khaldron » July 1, 2013 7:22pm | Report
Yeah i like it, (i love dragons xP), makes more sense due his history, just trying to make it better, but dont abandon u ideas.


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Posts: 86
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KillianJones » July 1, 2013 8:17pm | Report
Instead of Devour(Second ability) he could breath a fireball, similar to Ao Kuang's Squall, but instead of a slow, it gives continuous fire damage for 5s, like poison, and instead of this passive, the Branch could be an ability, a trap, just like Artemis ability, but you can teleport to this one if the enemies haven't felt on it =)


Posts: 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FaTaLiTyFiReFly » July 1, 2013 9:55pm | Report
Norse gods FTW !

Good idea, I would love to play him IG.
why does wukong look so much different now?


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Posts: 781
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Khaldron » July 1, 2013 10:03pm | Report
KillianJones wrote:

Instead of Devour(Second ability) he could breath a fireball, similar to Ao Kuang's Squall, but instead of a slow, it gives continuous fire damage for 5s, like poison, and instead of this passive, the Branch could be an ability, a trap, just like Artemis ability, but you can teleport to this one if the enemies haven't felt on it =)

Devour is a good idea, he is know to eat dead corpses, the fire breath could just be add as an animation instead of skill 1 (bite).


Notable (2)
Posts: 86
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » July 2, 2013 5:20am | Report
Good ideas so far. Rotten Breath could be instead of Rotten Bite. I'll update this with the new ultimate, lore and the new description to his 1 ability.

The fact is not only that he devour the dead corpses, but also he needs that ability to jungle with ease( heavy lifesteal).

Dark Jaw

Prominent (44)
Posts: 1142
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by KillianJones » July 2, 2013 7:29am | Report
Well, as it gives damage per second, you should write how much damage per second the ultimate does, you kinda forget about it.


Posts: 4

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