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God Idea: Fortuna, Goddess of Fortune

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » God Idea: Fortuna, Goddess of Fortune 1 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HoneyWaffle » August 11, 2017 6:30am | Report
Pantheon: Roman

Class: Mage

Appearance: Wearing a blindfold or anything that covers her eyes. Her main weapon is the cornucopia. Idk how to explain her dressing.

Passive: The Wheel of Fortune
For every 5 assists in your teams, provided a stack that gives allies and Fortuna +1.5% golds and exp from every resource but if they kill an enemy gods, they only receive 40% of the maximum exp and share another 12% exp to other allies. +0.5 crowd control reduction and gains 45 shields. If nearby allies health is below 30% of their max health, the shields will instead heal them for 45 HP.

Max Stacks - 6
Healing: 45 (45/270)
Healing Range: 55 units from Fortuna
Type: Global

First Ability: Misfortune
Fortuna gathers the misfortune from the world, creating a wave of magical power that deals damage and enemy gods crowd control reduction got reduced after for the next 2 seconds.

Type: Line
Damage: 50/90/120/150/250 (+55% of your magical power)
Crowd Control reduction: 12.5% after 2 seconds delay.
Crowd Control lifetime: 1.7 seconds
Cooldown: 17/15.5/13.5/12/10 seconds
Cost: 65 mana
Length: Same as the Morrigan 2

Second Ability: Corrupted One
Fortuna spins the wheel of fortune and stopped it to give the misfortune one for her enemy in the future, dealing high damage after 5 seconds delay and enemy gods are Disarmed and Stun after 3 seconds delay.

Stun: 1 second
Damage: 100/120/140/160/240 (+60% of your Magical power)
Cooldown: 20/17.5/15.5/13/11 seconds
Cost: 95 mana
Length: Same targeting system as Nu Wa soldier targeting

Third ability: Fortunes
Fortuna smiles upon her allies, healing them and remove half of their current crowd control effects for the next crowd control effect.

Healing: 50/90/100/120/140 (+15% of your Magical Power)
Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12
Cost: 60 mana
Length: Same targeting system as Nu Wa soldier targeting but have more cast range (for like +20%)

Fortuna's Ultimate: Foretell the Future
Fortuna switches every crowd control from the enemy back to themselves and take +2 more seconds and are Disarmed while Fortuna's allies gain the enemy buffs for the next 2.5 seconds and enemy gods are knockback from allies. Enemy gods will take damage after 3 seconds delay and can't be prevented by immunity. While doing the ultimate, Fortuna is Rooted when channelling the ability and can't be prevented. If Fortuna died when channelling this ability, the cooldown of this ability is reduced.

Knockback radius: 30
Disarmed: 3 seconds
Damage: 160/190/210/230/300 (+100 of your Magical Power)
Cooldown: 180 seconds (or 3 minutes)
Cooldown Reduction on death: -50 seconds

Root: 2 seconds
Ultimate radius: Global effect

Fortuna profile:

Health: 380 (+80/1900)
Mana: 300 (+57/1440)
Attack Speed: 1 (+0.017/1.34)
P. Protection: 18 (+3.2/82)
M. Protection: 30 (0/30)
Basic Damage: 35 (+1.5/65)
Pros: Great Supporter, High Area Damage, Hard Crowd Control.
Cons: No escape

This is my first time doing Gods idea. So I expect some criticisms or anything like that. Please don't be too harsh with me.


Notable (2)
Posts: 9

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