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God Concept. Vayu: Lord of the Winds

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » God Concept. Vayu: Lord of the Winds 1 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Hossmans » September 10, 2017 9:18pm | Report
Vayu, The Lord of the winds

Pantheon - Hindu

Role - Mage ( or guardian, but damage scaling must be reduced )

Passive - Roaring Winds

Whenever Vayu uses an ability, the winds around him grows stronger, granting him and his allies in the storm around Vayu, 4% mitigation for every ability he casts. This may stack up to 3 times. After reaching max stacks, he may extinguish his winds by using Gales of fury or Propelling Drive, slowing the enemy by an additional 10%
Ability type: Buff
Radius - 20

First ability - Gales of fury

Vayu focuses the winds around him, allowing him to blast 2 powerful gusts of wind forward upon his enemies, dealing damage. .3 seconds after blasting the first gust, the second one will fire. If Vayu hits both Gales, his second Gust will slow the target.

Ability type: Line (So like if you've seen Paragon, the MOBA, a character called "Countess" her ability "Dark Tide," looks like what I'm describing, except as a wind FX)
Damage per Gust - 25/55/85/115/135 damage (+35% of your Magical power)
Slow - 15%
Range - 45
Cost - 90 Mana
Cooldown - 16 seconds
Slow duration - 2.5 seconds

Second Ability - Propelling Drive

Vayu inhales the winds, and disperses it into a cone pushing back enemy gods while doing damage every .5 seconds for 2 seconds. He is rooted in place for the duration and may direct Propelling Drive anywhere in front of him. Damage applied is decreased by 5% every 5 units away from Vayu.
Ability type: Push
Damage: 40 Damage per tick (+15% of your magical power)
Duration: 2 seconds
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana
Cooldown: 13 seconds
Range: 30

Third Ability - Gazelle Rush

Vayu summons his gazelle , doing damage in in an circle in front of him when it is summoned, he then sends it forward, knocking up enemies in its path while dealing damage, if an enemy is hit by Gazelle Rush while in Roaring Winds, they become mesmerized once they land.

Ability type: Line
damage: 25/75/120/170/220 (+45% of your Magical Power)
Summoning damage - 25/50/75/100/125 (+0% of your magical power)
Summon radius - 10
Range - 65
Cost: 50/60/70/80/90 Mana
Cooldown: 13 seconds
Mesmerize duration: 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 Seconds

Vayu's Ultimate - Roar of the Ancients

Vayu hemorrages the winds around him and becomes the eye of an Ancient Storm traveling with Vayu in one direction(slowly) that deals damage every .3 seconds over 3 seconds, slowing and disarming enemies in the Roaring Winds radius. Vayu is translucent in this form and receives a 15% mitigation buff.
Ability Type: Self
Damage: 15/30/45/60/75 per tick (+12% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 100/110/120/130/140 Mana
Cooldown: 130/120/110/100/90 seconds
Slow: 20%
Radius: 35

Health: 400 + 73 (1836 hp at lvl 20)
Mana: 376 + 38 (1136 mana at lvl 20)
Range: 55 (for Basic attack range)
Attack per Seconds: .86 + .0009% (1.04 at lvl 20)

Basic Attack:
Vayu uses his flag to shoot out arcs of wind damaging an opponent
Damage: 34 + 1.5 (64 at lvl 20)
+20% of your Magical Power
Progression: 1x damage

Magical: 24 + .5 (34 at lvl 20)
Physical: 12 + 2.9 (60 at lvl 20)

MP5: 4.9 + 0.7 (18.9 at lvl 20)
HP5: 6.1 + 0.45 (7 at lvl 20)


Posts: 1

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