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Balder, the bleeding god

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Balder, the bleeding god 1 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by 4L1B1 » September 28, 2017 6:20am | Report
Balder (baldr/baldur) - the bleeding god
Role: Assassin (Jungler/Solo Lane)

Passive: Balder is able to see if enemy Relics are on or off Cooldown. When Balder hits level 20, he is able to see the current CD times of enemy relics.

1. Skill: Balder dashes forward and roots the first enemy (npc and god) he hits, and deals damage to him.

2. Skill: Baldr Jumps into a neutral creep (minion or jungle creatur) and hides in it. Balder can not be seen while hiding inside another creatur. When activating the skill again Balder tears the crature apart, deals damage around it and heals for the amount of damage.

3. Skill: Balder gets attackspeed and lifesteal.

Ultimate: Baldr stuns all enemys around him and gets immune to abilitydamage. He still gets damaged by autoattacks and enemy structures.

I think this guy would be pretty fun to play in all gamemodes (except arena maybe). Early game u can gank with ability damage and lurking in enemy minions or jungle camps, and lategame he transforms to an autoattack assassin like kali.

I have not thought about damage numbers, stun times, or the duration of his ultimate. It should just be balanced somehow xD

Sorry for the bad english as its not my native language ;)


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