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aquilon the north wind angel

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » aquilon the north wind angel 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by the inventor » September 27, 2017 11:48am | Report
aquilon is the roman god of north wind and he should look like an angel with white light blue skin and with a ice crown and big ice wings and ice sword


passive: north wind
aquilon slash with is ice sword and slow down the enemy

first abillity: north path
aquilon send a wave of ice that deal 150 damage

second abillity: chilling skin (i know lame name could not found one good enougth)
aquilon freeze himself into a ice statue and regenerate his health

third abillity: ice pawn
aquilon freeze all the minion and he is able to target an enemy with him

ultimate: ice hall
aquilon stick his sword into the ground and freeze every enemy thats in the area of the attack (the size of the area is like ymir ultimate) for 5 seconds and deals 500 damage

the inventor

Notable (1)
Posts: 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by the inventor » September 27, 2017 11:50am | Report
give me a pantheon and i will make 2 character of this pantheon ;)

the inventor

Notable (1)
Posts: 5

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