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Bellona (and other things)

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Forum » General Discussion » Bellona (and other things) 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by lxxGHOST » January 4, 2023 5:29am | Report
I'm wondering about everyone's thoughts on Bellona. No matter who I play, she is the one solo I can't win against. She is so good right now I have seen her played in every single position with ease. I think she needs a nerf, and the recent berserker shield buff has not helped things out. From what I can remember, she has been a top 5 solo for the past two years, and other solos have been at the bottom for so long. I know she can die off the late game but I don't think that justifies her being the strongest starting solo where she snowballs and you can't do anything about it. I am biased of course but that is how I feel currently. On another note The whole of season 9 I remember the dev team saying they are trying to get gods back in their perspective lanes and I feel as though they have made it worse with all the starter items they have in the game, I find it funny how supports can't have some of the starters but they won't do that with other positions. The starters have made it so much easier to play anyone in any lane. And finally, I think it would be cool if the titan had more abilities, and each ability pertained to a phoenix. So when one phoenix goes down the titan loses one special ability when another phoenix goes down it loses a second and so on.


Posts: 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Big Damage » January 4, 2023 9:28am | Report
The key to tackling a Bellona is just match up knowledge, if you play as her and see other people win lane against you it'll be down to playing around her 2 and ult, your gods sustain and if you can outclear her. A good match up is Tyr because you have 2 abilities that can cancel her 2, you can outclear around level 7/8 with bluestone, you have good sustain in wave with your 2 and as Bellona players are usually overly aggressive you can use this to your advantage and try to fearless them into your tower while they push you up.

Bellona does pretty much just do what she wants for the early game and a lot of the time it is best to just sit back and let the wave come to you after she has cleared. Just because she has pressure with her pick does not mean that she is "winning" the lane. Be patient and wait for your opportunities, play around your item power spikes, maybe pick up a Witchblade or Midgardian Mail.

The times I lose lane on Bellona most is where I am too aggressive and the enemy notices this and knows that my ult is down or their jungler is about to come through for a gank and bait my aggressiveness to kill me.

If you have any other specific questions I'd be happy to answer(:

Big Damage

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