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Wakinyan by TheSaints

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By: TheSaints
Last Updated: Sep 1, 2024
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The Thunderbird

Native American Pantheon

Passive Ability

Anytime Wakinyan deals damage, takes damage, or uses abilities he gains movement speed.
9% bonus movement speed in the jungle

Primary Abilities

Endless Thunder
Damages and knocks up enemies in a cone with a blast of thunder and lightning, repeats for each enemy god hit.
Turbulent Flight
Wakinyan flies to a nearby enemy god or over a wall the same wall cannot be flown over for 30 seconds, enemies near the wall are slowed and take damage, flying to an enemy god does the same.
Storm Blast
Wakinyan sends out a lightning blast silencing and damaging enemy gods hit, chains against jungle monsters.

Ultimate Abilities

Wakinyan can dash 4 times, enemies he dashes through are struck by lightning, stunning them and dealing damage. Cannot stun the same enemy god more than once per ult, dashes against the same enemy god deals reduced damage.
Dashing into a enemy tower deactivates it for 4 seconds

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