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Vidarr by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Sep 6, 2024
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The Silent

God Description

Passive Ability

Thick Shoe
Whenever Vidarr kills an enemy unit he gains strength, int, and increased crit chance. This can stack infinitely. If he kills an enemy god he gains more and movement speed for 1.5 sec.

Primary Abilities

Stomping tantrum
Upon casting Vidarr empowers his next 3 BAs to cover a wide cone in front of himself, hit multiple enemies, and deal more dmg. Left sweep, right sweep, then stomp. Sweep is cone stomp is large circle. Each BA can crit. Stomp slows all enemies hit. (Strength)
Mortal Enemy
Passive: Whenever Vidarr kills an enemy he gains a stack of attack speed. Lasts 3 sec. Can stack up to 5 times. Killing an enemy god grants all 5 stacks immediately. (Attack speed scales with int).

Active: Vidarr selects an enemy god and marks them for 5 sec. While the mark is active Vidarr gains movement speed and lifesteal. If the marked enemy hits Vidarr his lifesteal increases. If Vidarr kills the marked enemy he gains a shield, renews the movement speed, and refreshes this abilities cooldown. (Lifesteal scales with int and shield scales with strength)
Flying kick/ somersault squash
Vidarr extends one foot out as he dashes forwards. Any enemy hit takes dmg and is knocked back the length of the dash. This ability can then be recast within 5 sec. Recast causes Vidarr to leap to an area and slam down. This slam instead of having a base dmg and scaling deals dmg equal to his crit. If the slam hits one enemy the crit deals increased dmg and stuns.(Strength)

Ultimate Abilities

Consumed by Vengeance
Upon casting Vidarr breaks himself free of any cc he is currently afflicted with and activates Mortal Enemy on every enemy god within range of him. Per each enemy god affected by Mortal Enemy he also gains temporary max hp. (Scales with int) Now has Stomping Tantrum permanently active during this abilities duration. Flying kick/somersault squash has increased drainage and area of affect. This ability lasts 5 sec. If Vidarr kills an enemy god during this time this abilities duration is extended by 3 sec and gains even more movement speed.

Other Abilities

BA Chain
Normal BAs use his fists to punch. Crit animation is him kicking.
Attack Chain: 1/.5/1.5/1
Attack Scaling: 70% strength/30% int.

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