Gain movement speed towards enemy gods. This bonus is increased against enemies below 40% of their max hp. Brunhilde also gains additional magical lifesteal against enemies below 40% of their max hp.
Primary Abilities
Guiding Souls
Passive: every time Brunhilde hits an enemy god she gains a stack of movement speed. Can stack 4 times. Each stack lasts 5 sec.
Active: Upon casting gains movement speed, attack speed, and empowered BAs for 5 sec. BAs now slash in an arc in front of herself and can dmg multiple enemies at once. Each successful hit against an enemy god extends this abilities duration.
To Valhalla!
Dashes in a line with her spear extended. Any enemy hit takes dmg and is slowed. This abilities cooldown is reduced for each successful BA on an enemy god. The first time an enemy god is hit with this ability a part of their soul is ripped out reducing their protections for 5 sec. If that same enemy god were to be hit by this ability again they take true dmg instead.
Solid Shield
Upon casting Brunhilde enters a defensive stance and raises her shield. This makes her stop in place for .5 sec and becomes dmg and cc immune. If Brunhilde were to be hit by an enemy god during this time she automatically throws her shield at them. The shield deals dmg and slows any enemy hit. The shield then comes back and heals Brunhilde. If the shield hits an enemy god it refreshes her ability durations(so Guiding Souls duration would be reset. Ult does not count).
Ultimate Abilities
Valiant Valkyrie
Upon casting gains max movement speed from Wings of an Angel and Guiding Souls Passive. Guiding Souls passive now grants increased dmg per stack instead of movement speed. Also gains dmg mitigation, and slow and root immunity. Lasts 7 sec. BAs during this time execute enemies under 7% of their max hp. If Brunhilde executes an enemy god this way she permanently increases the execute threshold by 1%. This effect can stack up till the threshold is at 15% of the enemies max hp. Any executes afterwards grant permanent power which can stack infinitely.
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