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Baldr by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jul 3, 2024
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God Title

God Description

Passive Ability

Blessed Body
Baldr takes 10% reduced dmg from the front but 10% increased dmg from behind. Baldr increases all protections gained from items by 15%. Has increased hp5 per level.

Primary Abilities

Bouncing Bastion
Baldr throws his shield forwards in a line. It deals dmg to enemies based on 35% of Baldrs protections and heals himself based on how many enemy gods were hit. If cast while Gleaming Radiance is active the shield blinds enemies hit and slows.
Gleaming Radiance
Upon casting Baldr gains movement speed, increased protections and an area is illuminated around him. Any ally including himself that stands in the light gains Baldrs passive increased to 15% and are healed over time. This area lasts 5 sec. Once it's done the area explodes in a bright flash dmging enemies and rooting them. The area deals more dmg the more dmg Baldrs takes while the light is active.
Bulwark Bash
Dashes forwards in a line and any enemy hit takes dmg and is stunned. If it hits an enemy god it affects a cone behind them as well and stops in front of them. This breaks player made walls.

Ultimate Abilities

The Vow of All
Upon casting Baldr casts an enlarged version of Gleaming Radiance and gains increased buffs. However instead of exploding for dmg and cc within 5 sec it explodes within 3 sec to grant all allies dmg immunity and movement speed for 2 sec.

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