After killing Aremtis: "The hunted hunter. That’s something for the diary!"
After killing Anhur:"A lion god... Come on, I’ve hunted worse!"
After killing Apollo:"Bow and hunt are my domain, god or not."
Afetr killing Sobek:"A giant crocodile... Just one more day in the office."
After killing Sheere Khan:"The most feared hunter? What’s that joke!"
After killing Hachiman:"War is hunting, and hunting is my war!"
After killing Hathi:"An elephant with manners? You will be the first and last"
After killing Isthar:"In love and war anything goes... but this is a hunt."
After killing Pele:"Volcanoes and fire! I have walked through warmer places!"
After killing Cthulhu:"I have hunted creatures more fearsome than a giant octopus!
Joke:"The greatest hunter? I’m an adventurous man!"
Joke:"The greatest hunter? I’m an adventurous man!"
Joke:"The jungles and savannas call me... but this place is even more interesting."
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