October 21, 2016

Pff, just a top 10% who is dankest in the memes

Views: 1014 UberHaxorBuscus
Just a bro who loves the game he's good at
I don't main gods, i just like them
"What're you ****in gay?" -as loki winning a 1v5
"Hang on, just gotta ult for the memes." - as Agni clearing jungle camps
Don't worry, we don't have the gold lead, or the kills lead, or the tower lead, but we are still winning." - as isis just chilling under tower when one of ours was destroyed by a sun wukong.
"FOR HARAMBE!!!" As Cabrakkan charging 3 people solo.
"You aren't believing hard enough" -To =ZF= Cyanide
"I'VE GOT A ***** FOR TRANS!" - as sun wukong in joust