November 08, 2016

on the subject of meme builds,

Views: 1474 UberHaxorBuscus
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Meme  |  build  | 
Meme builds are a great thing to have in the smite community, even though some people may argue against them.
They provide the stress relief that some people may need in a day.
If you can see that your team will carry you to victory no matter what, then you can meme build, if not, do it anyway see what happens.
Try new things! You never know what will work in a pub.
My personal favorite is movement speed Fafnir, which if this gets upvoted, i'll upload my build for.

If you truly want to become the meme lord of smite, then feel free to memebuild every game, but be prepared to loose often. The toxicity within the community against memebuilders (yes that's what we're calling them now) is often severe when you have someone like a try-hard, or an F7 warrior on your team. Nothing against the f7s, but i don't like to waste my time with games we have less than a 1% chance of winning. (Unless i can make an opportunity, but that never happens in a pub)

Anyways, vvgl and vvgg everyone.
Yer pal, Uber