January 21, 2016


Views: 935 OwlTown
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That is a weird title... but I can explain! I was reading some voicelines because I was a bit bored (I actually had to work on an assignment my mentor from internship gave me) and I came across Hou Yi's. There were 2 lines that involved peaches and a bad experience. I know I can probably just google it, but does anyone know? I'm really curious now XD
I have to say I spent almost the whole day working on that assignment (it's half past 3 here) and my brain hurts! I am mentally exhausted and I don't want to think anymore. I do have to work on it for one hour more and then I can do something else, but I don't wanna! D=
Oh by the way, I think I'll play Cabrakan this weekend. I don't know why, but he seems intersting =)
And I still want to know about the peaches!!
Signing out.