January 17, 2016


Views: 1014 OwlTown
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I did it! Today I mastered Athena =D To most of you it probably seems like nothing, but I'm happy. Just let me! XD
Let's see, do I have anything else to tell? No, not really =| Well actually, I was planning on drawing some gods (I really love drawing), but I just can't get myself to do it. For some reason I can't pick up a pencil... and I do have really great pencils if I may say so, haha. But really, I recently bought some ones of pretty high quality.
More important: I haven't really decided on which god I want to master next. I've been thinking about Nox, but I feel like she's very difficult to play. Hel seems fun too... Argh, so difficult D= Okay, I'm overeacting now, haha. I guess I'll figure it out.
Signing out.