February 01, 2016

I'm back!

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I've been so, so quiet.... again. Let's say I just didn't have anything valuable to talk about. Alhough once again I had prove that masteries aren't everything. Last weekend I played a match in which the enemy team had a level 10 Loki and my team had a level 0 Loki. The Loki in my team was waaaay better than theirs (and we won, yay =D). Of course people with higher masteries have more experience with a certain god, but that doesn't mean they're more skilled.
Oh! I wanted to say something regarding some replies I got on my last post. Ah *dreamy voice* I remember that post as if I posted it yesterday ... which... I... didn't ^.^"
Anyway. It was about being matched with players who equal your skills. I read that the MMR differs in any gamemode and I think that's true. I also wanted to add that I don't play league, I only play casual. And I don't play conquest at all! Not only because I keep hearing that the most toxic players play conquest (don't know if it's true, it's just what I heard), but because I want to play for fun without having to think about rules. That's why I play arena most of the times. I only play other gamemodes when I'm in a party or when first wins of the day are important in some way. Arena matches are usually not so long, so that's another benefit for me =)
But once again; I don't play league and I don't play conquest.
Pfew, glad that's sorted out!... XD
Btw, today I had my first day at school after internship. My school managed to f*ck things up immediately =P Well, we're used to it, though I'm not sure if that's a good thing. It probably isn't ( '.')
Signing out.