March 10, 2016

I did it!!

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Hi guys! ... And girls =D
Good news! Me and a friend of mine were trying to make another friend play smite for a long while. And a few days ago we finally succeeded! It wasn't really smart to let him play matches with us since we're level 30 and he just started, but we had a lot of fun. I hope we can play some more in the weekend (I'm too busy now).
Something else: I suck as Chaac XD No really, no matter what I do or how I build, it won't work. But just 9 more worshippers and I've mastered him. Then, I won't have to play him again. Don't get me wrong, I like him. He's fun and I like his looks too, but I just suck with him.
Well, I'll be back soon .... I'll try to be back soon ^.^"
Signing out.