January 22, 2016

Almost there!

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It's almost there; weekend!! just one and a half more hours and I can leave. Someone at my internship is willing to do something for me so I can leave early and I'm really grateful to him!! The trains here have had trouble for almost 2 days straight. Exactly those trains I need, can't ride. There are busses to replace them, but it takes more time to get somewhere. And tonight I have to work too! A small part of me wants to be unable to work tonight, because I'm longing to play. But I really need the money D=
Oh well, tonight (after work) I will play anyway. And I'll play until I drop down! ... Okay, maybe not. Though there is a chance I will faint or whatever during work. The pain in my belly I've mentioned before is getting worse everyday. I'm not sure if I've already said that I have an appointment with the hospital, but I do (in a few days). My boyfriend is coming with me and I'm just so glad he is. I will have to go through a few simple tests, but still. Lately all I've been doing is scaring myself with the worst possibilities. So in that way, it will be quite relaxing to play some smite. And if I do drop down, I will finally get some sleep XD
And Like I said before; I'm going to play Cabrakan. Because I CabraCAN *sassy voice* ........
Okay, that was bad, sorry. I'll try not to do that again.
Signing out.