September 23, 2013

What is up my sexies?

Views: 1027 JararoNatsu
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Hey my sexy people, what's going on?

So I've put my Cupid guide on hold, because I haven't found enjoyment in playing him much as of late. It happens...

Wanna guess who I HAVE been playing a lot of lately? That's right, Athena. Talenhiem knows :P

ComicMan described her as the "sexiest tank". Well, she is. I will be playing a lot of her in the next few weeks and after extensive play time I will make a guide on her.

I did not forget that some people wanted me to make an Agni guide. He is my worst God, but if I can get into playing him I will see what I can do.

As you can see, guides are important to me. I strive for the best guides possible on this site, and I can only hope that others do the same.

On another note... I don't know. That's about it. Bye people!