December 21, 2013

Something I bet you didn't know...

Views: 1375 HiFromBuddha
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When  |  life  |  gives  |  you  |  lemons  |  make  |  lemonade
Ok, I stumbled across a rather useless feature, but I honestly never noticed it existing.

Ok, scroll down to the comment box. Yes, the comment box. Now, look at the bottom right corner of it. What do you see? Two white lines. Now, click that ****. Click it real good. Now, drag it. What happens? Would you look at that, it changed sizes.

Of course, this is rather pointless, and doesn't warrant me spamming so many blogs in such a short period of time, but I want somewhat useless information to be known by the world!

Maybe most websites actually have this feature though, and I'm just slow to notice it.