January 23, 2014

My beliefs and opinions

Views: 2825 HiFromBuddha
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Ok, so after doing a few personality disorder tests, it's obvious that I am schizotypal from these results. And while you say that you can't draw accurate results just from these tests... I think it's pretty clear after reading this that I most definitely am schizotypal. I mean, yeah, no one asked, but **** you, this is my blog, I can post **** whenever I damn want to. Ok, don't call me crazy but...

After lying in my bed, re-evaluating my life, something occurred to me. As of the current knowledge we as humans possess right now, it is impossible to prove the consciousness of another human being. And after thinking about this a lot more, this really hurt me. You see, after realising this, I have actually come to the belief that, and yes, this is really self-centered and arrogant, I have reluctantly come to the belief that I could be the only one in this universe with a conscience. The people around me may not feel, they just act as if they do. They can say all they want that they do have a conscience, but I can't believe them. There is no way to prove it, and therefore, I live my life occasionally feeling lonely that I could very well be the only thing in this world with a conscience.

But you see, if this were the case, it would be awful. I don't want to think that I'm the only thing with a conscience here, that, when my inevitable end comes, this world will be left with nothing but soulless vessels. Now, considering this is what I believe in and how much I don't want to accept this as a possible fact, my favourite word, and this may be really odd to you, my favourite word is sonder, a sudden realisation that everyone around is living their own lives, their own excitements, their own reactions to things, their own feelings. I don't want to think that each person, no matter how minuscule the amount of time that we interact with each other is, does not realise that I exist. They see me, but do they really see me? Do they actually acknowledge my existence, or do they not possess the ability to? Now, considering how as of right now, I am questioning the mere existence of people right now, that would make me avoidant of people, but no, when it just comes to my say to day lives, I go to what I have accepted for these 14 years of my life, and it is much easier that way.

Now, the next thing is that I have a belief that everything in this universe exists for a reason, but the reason could be as simple as knowing it's name, or reading it in a book. But you see, when you learn about something for the first time, something new, a completely new thing, becomes added to your world. Isn't that just an absolutely fantastic thing to think about it. Something entirely new, something that previously did not exist to you, now exists. Something just suddenly exists. But you see, that may also be the opposite. So many things do not exist in my world right now, and that scares me. That there are things that are still yet to be in my eyes. Countless universes, galaxies, planets, stars, places, towns, objects, people, traditions, theories, problems, words, so many things that are out there that currently don't exists for me. But they will soon, and that just excites me, that so many things will suddenly be, it really is just fantastic in my opinion, yet frightening that there are things out there that do not exist to me, heck, things out there that do not exist to mankind.

I am also a believer of a set destiny. People say change your destiny and all that jazz, but when someone does make an attempt to change their destiny, I believe it's simply destiny making the specific event happen so that they can keep living their lives onto their inevitable destiny. I believe it's predetermined from birth. You can not change it. Your future, your joy, your misfortune, your important life events is already set out for you from the moment you come into existence, and it is set.

Finally, this is a more commonly talked about topic, and it's religion. As you probably can tell, I love taking shots at religion, at just how simply absurd most of it is. But you see, I think it's absurd, but I don't have any problems with it. If people want to believe in Jesus, then I say amen to that. If people want to be atheist, then I say hallelujah, someone sane. I have no interest in religion, so when someone else tries to enforce their laws, rules and ways to live by on my life, that is when I really hate religion. You see, I go to a Catholic school, not to learn religion, but because it happened to be one of the best schools in Victoria. I didn't go there to learn about Jesus, so why the **** do they keep cramming it down our throats. Most of the kids at my school don't give a damn about Catholicism, and treat it as a joke. Since I'm being forced to learn religion so much, I have grown resentment towards. I mean, those who choose to follow it, I will respect their decision, but *****, you better respect mine. I do not care for your religion, stop trying to convert me. And the problem is that if my school did get their hands on this and read it, I'd probably be ex-communicated from the church and then purified to try and get the anti-christ out of me. It's just irritating when they are trying to make their ideals my ideals. I pisses me off really.

Well, that's just some of the beliefs that I have. Don't call me crazy pls.