June 07, 2013

Ideas for a MOBA and Upcoming Guides.

Views: 3034 Dark Jaw
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Hey, folks. I'm Dark Jaw and today We'll talk about: My ideas for a MOBA game, upcoming Guides and other stuff.

So, let's go by parts.

First off, I've been having some ideas for a MOBA game, of course, they're just ideas. I'm not working on something. The MOBA Game would be called Space Empires, or something like that. Alien races fighting for colonies on different planets, on the MOBA format. Those Alien races are divided in alliances; those alliances are:

-Blood Serpent Tribe.
-Shadow Crow Union.
-Radiant Bear Alliance.
-Divine Shark Pact.

Each Alliance has a different species of Aliens. Each Alliance has 3 Different Races, FOR NOW. Each race has a different role. I plan to do another blog talking about the races and the game mechanics I've concepted so far.

Now, let's talk about SMITE & GUIDES!

I've been thinking about making other guides. If you liked my Sobek Guide and Fenrir Guide and want to see more, then say something below. Here are the gods that I consider myself experienced:

-Ao Kuang.

That's it, I think. My first blog.