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Forum » General Discussion » Nox... 124 posts - page 10 of 13
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by dacoqrs » November 1, 2014 5:32am | Report
All4Games wrote:

we are the consumers, ever heard of the saying "the customer is king."? well that is pretty much what sub means.

it's a developers job to give the consumers stuff that is of good quality and i'll be dammed if we should be asking for less as.

free to play or no if you dont give good quality then you failed at your job.

i remember an article about some indie developer saying that the fans who wanted a secual to his game didn't deserve it. the FANS that played his game, the FANS that gave him money and time to work on his first game and second one, the FANS THAT DESERVE BETTER THEN WHAT THEY GOT!.

the FANS deserve good quality which in smite's case is a balenced god on release. that is very far from hard to do.

sub, in his own way called green out on him saying we should be happy that we even get ****, sub is right in this case that we shouldn't be happy with **** and that we do deserve good quality.

you can't deny that he is right because you dislike his additude.

why be happy with ****? smite may be free-to-play but tell me the amount of actual money you suck into that game. a lot of people suck a lot of money into smite, don't they deserve good quality? do they deserve ****?


Once again, same logical fallacy as sub. We don't care if it's bad on release as long as Hi Rez fixes it.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » November 1, 2014 5:34am | Report
dacoqrs wrote:

Here's what you just said:


Here's where you're terribly mistaken

I don't think it's total ****! I don't mind it! I don't care if they need to fix her next patch! And clearly my fellow smite players feel the same way!

Maybe we're not being too soft on it, maybe you're just being too harsh, hm?

Stop doing this whole "call to action" ******** by putting words in our mouth. You 'implore' us not to accept this ****, even though we do not think it's **** in the first place.

In addition, if you're trying to persuade us to do something, you should probably start by not calling the people you're trying to persuade things like "biggest head-in-his-own-*** sycophantic peasant here on these forums." Just a thought, really. Might help slightly. I don't know.

there are enough people who think the tons of OP or in this case UP characters that run wild on release can be considerd **** even here so don't try to make your opinion sound like everyone's here.

subs not doing that, neither should you.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » November 1, 2014 5:35am | Report
dacoqrs wrote:

Once again, same logical fallacy as sub. We don't care if it's bad on release as long as Hi Rez fixes it.

in that case you would be part of the problem.

you should care because people deserve better. all hirez's god release problems can be fixed by doing an hour of work by looking at the numbers, they are apperently too lazy to do that and you want to defend that?
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by dacoqrs » November 1, 2014 5:36am | Report
All4Games wrote:

there are enough people who think the tons of OP or in this case UP characters that run wild on release can be considerd **** even here so don't try to make your opinion sound like everyone's here.

subs not doing that, neither should you.

I don't think my opinion is of everyone's here, clearly Sub feels differently. But evidently, the fans of Smite also share my opinion because they're still playing the game.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by dacoqrs » November 1, 2014 5:37am | Report
All4Games wrote:

in that case you would be part of the problem.

you should care because people deserve better. all hirez's god release problems can be fixed by doing an hour of work by looking at the numbers, they are apperently too lazy to do that and you want to defend that?

I should care, but I don't.

God people, it isn't that ****ing hard to understand. Is the game perfect? No. Do I care? No.

Jesus Christ, the game has been out for half a year, I don't expect perfection.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Shavul » November 1, 2014 5:37am | Report
The ammount of money I gave to Smite was my own choice and not necessary to play the game, and I chose point for point what did I want to buy. Apollo's skin? Here's my money. I know how it is, over. It's not a blind pick.

About the rest, is still free to play. Of course I expect some quality, but I play it because I enjoy it and they're giving me free enjoyment. The point is as follows.

If you're like me, kind a conformist, you don't care much about one isolated mistake (since with or without Nox I enjoy the game a lot) and you enjoy the game, keep playing. They'll fix their mistake eventually or you'll ignore it.

On the other hand, if you feel like they owe you and you cannot forgive one mistake, stop playing. Because stepping in there saying "Your free stuff is ****. Give me better free stuff" is something I plain hate. BUT if you stop playin because those mistakes you're proving your point.

If they show something in TV I don't like I switch channels (I use this analogy because TV is free-ish, at least in Spain). I don't watch it and then send letters to everyone saying "SAW THAT GUISE? IT SUCKS. YOU SHOULD HATE IT".


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » November 1, 2014 5:44am | Report
@shavul too bad nox isn't an isolated case or your point would make sense.

@dacoqrs your argument of not expecting perfection... there is a lot wrong with that... forst of the argument of you can expect flaws would have been better but since smite is a fully released game that argument has become worthless, in beta it would have made sense but as a fully released game you should not expect glaring flaws anymore.

i also never asked for perfection since that would give it a flaw, people should atleast ask for good quality is my point.

by saying "i should care but i don't." you pretty much prove my point that you are part of the problem.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by dacoqrs » November 1, 2014 5:48am | Report
I'm part of the problem?

Okay, that's interesting. You're saying it's because of people like me that Hi-Rez doesn't step up their game?

Interesting philosophy, but once again, I feel like you don't understand. See, the people like you and Sub are the people who feel Hi-Rez 'needs' to step up their game. I don't. I think Hi-Rez is doing a fine job. You two are just being really really hard on Smite.

Therefore, once again, I am sort of indifferent toward "the problem" since I don't think the problem is as bad as you think it is.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Shavul » November 1, 2014 5:50am | Report
All4Games wrote:

@shavul too bad nox isn't an isolated case or your point would make sense.

Maybe, but I'm happy with the rest of the game.

It's not "I should care but I don't". It's "I don't care period". I don't think I should.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by dacoqrs » November 1, 2014 5:55am | Report
Shavul wrote:

Maybe, but I'm happy with the rest of the game.

It's not "I should care but I don't". It's "I don't care period". I don't think I should.

Well said.
Thanks to Ferrum for making the sig pic! He's beast af people.
IGN: BestJanusNA
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