April 03, 2017

Bran's PS4 Adventures (A Proper Showing, A New Bud)

Views: 4195 Branmuffin17
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PS4  |  iSux
A man who isn't ruled by his wife and doesn't cringe at the thought of her anger isn't a man at all.


It was Sunday, man. I almost never play games in the middle of the day when my kids are up. Usually, it means I'm being dragged around by my kids, intervening in their fights, cleaning up their messes, or doing random chores for the wife.

We'd just gotten back from the Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival at our local museum, and I wanted to relax. Told the wife (indirectly asked for semi-permission) I was going to play one game...ended up playing two (which she definitely noticed, lol).

It was an opportunity to play with newbiemj/bad_juju40, and a nice surprise of getting to play with xZeroStrike, whom I've never played with previously. Took me a month to accept his friend request, since I didn't see it. My bad. Also played with a kid (Monkey) that saw my Bacchus guide and friended me because of it. (BTW, holy ****, that kid talks more than Pappsi does! Hi Pappsi. Oh, and he also squeals like Pappsi when he dies.)

So, how do I play to properly impress my new bud, Zero?



That first match was a win in spite of myself. Okay, so I hadn't played much PS4 in the last couple of weeks (damn you, Zelda!!!), or much SMITE at all in a while (damn you SF clan!!!), so I was a bit rusty on the general gameplay side and the PS4 controller side. Yes, I'm using those as excuses. Went 2/2/4 as Chang'e, and had the highest damage on our side (Zero would have surpassed me if the game went any longer)...but the early game was rough. Died first, and kept getting locked down by that Nox and Hercules. Also had several misplays...immediately after ulting and stunning an enemy, at least TWICE I used her Moonlit Waltz instead of her Crescent Moon Dance. C'mon, PS4, please allow me to use my PC peripherals...pleeeeease? Anyway, my teammates played solidly.

That second match had us playing Clash, with Monkey's friend and bad_juju joining us. It was a horrible loss. juju and I will definitely say it was not one of our better games. I made bad build decisions...was a bit cocky, and wanted my damage up, so I got Spear of the Magus 2nd for my Ares...but really, really needed the protection earlier. Every time I'd blink/ult, I was converged on by the enemy. Was ugly. Should have just built the normal build, courtesy of masterricu. More on Ares in a bit...but anyway, we pretty much got steamrolled.

Oh, and almost that entire match, I had my kids find out I was playing games, and they were crawling all over me, fighting with each other, and the older daughter was saying "did you die again?" (lol) Wife had come in and guilted me, and so my focus was just totally not there. Hence why I don't play during the day.

Interlude a sec here. If you know me, or read a variety of my comments, you'll see I'm pretty humble. I put myself down a lot. I'm not saying I'm a bad player (usually), but I'm almost never the best player, at least in PC matches. In seeing Zero's own comments, he sort of does the same thing...but I'll say here that it was definitely apparent that he's a solid player. Engaged well, disengaged well, and just generally played an intelligent game. I find then once I've played with someone that I know on SF, I just automatically feel closer to them than before. So Zero is my new bud.

Got off after that...but it gave me a hankering to play more. So, nighttime rolled around, and I got back on, and played 10 matches with TimeToMedicate/GOTZ, who had wanted in on the earlier matches but didn't have any space. 4 wins, 6 losses, but mostly saw decent play from me. Summaries forthcoming.
  • Joust as Isis: went 6/5/1 in a loss. First of what were 3 matches against the same 2 people (makteittops/coNnOr), who apparently don't change up their gods much. makeittops was Merc, and CoNnOr was Fenrir. Fen definitely used his early game advantage, jumping us several times from over the wall. Our Kali didn't help at all. Her first death was in the first minute...jumped the enemy 1 on 3 and got blown up. She went 1/8/6. Not the best game.

  • Joust as Kali: went 0/4/1 in a loss. 2nd match against Merc/Fen. From the previous game, I went "hell, I'll play Kali and do better than our last teammate." Serves me right. I keep forgetting that I'm not all-powerful early game. Got caught several times. Dumbdumb.

  • Joust as Medusa: went 10/2/4 in a win. 3rd and final match against Merc/Fen. Don't know if we blew them up badly enough to demoralize them and make them quit for the night, or if it was just late and they were done, but...they were done. I had almost the same damage as their entire team. Our Kukulkan was selfless...kept giving me the damage buff. Thanks Kuk. GOTZ had had 2 bad games also, so he went with Ymir, who was a more familiar god for him. His freezes were great.

  • Joust as Neith: went 13/3/4 in a win. Neith seriously is stupid. So is matchmaking. We clearly outclassed them. Our mastery X Aphro was awesome too. The enemy Freya's build was hurting my soul. Etc., etc. Alright...that was it for Joust. On to Arena.

  • Arena as Ares: went 1/6/18 in a loss. I gave a much better showing overall compared to my earlier Ares game, despite my score. Top match damage (barely beat out my team's Zeus, lol)...1 point shy of 42,000 damage. Also pretty strong tanking, with 35k taken and 37k mitigated. Gotta love my team's Thanatos and his build...no CDR in sight...I don't even know what was going on with that build. Seriously, though, Ares is fun. Oh, and GOTZ and I lost us the match...our teammates died and we stayed out...we'd been ahead, and they killed me and then GOTZ to seal the win from behind. Ugh.

  • Arena as Fenrir: went 10/6/19 in a win. I actually had the lowest damage of the entire team. Also felt like we were going to get demolished. As an opposite of the previous game, we came from behind and won at the last second with Artemis securing the last kill. I also tanked better than our Bacchus...whose build also really hurt my soul. That said, he had top damage, but could have been even better. With an Arena win, on to another mode...Assault =)

  • Assault as Poseidon: went 9/3/7 in a loss. Highest match damage, lowest deaths, but couldn't carry the team.

  • Assault as Apollo: went 7/4/1 in a loss. Highest team damage, still couldn't carry team. I don't know what our Sol was doing...and our Kali was even worse. Oh and check it out...Kali got Soul Eater and Odysseus' Bow. So awesome!

  • Assault as Ravana: went 8/4/15 in a loss. Couldn't buy a win. Also...GOTZ REROLLED APHRODITE. I told him if he ever rerolled a healer again, I'd never play with him. XD Anyway, I really don't like Ravana, but I gave it a good showing, with good damage and decent tanking. Still wasn't enough to get a win. Our Thana had pretty good skill, but damn that build. *sigh*

  • Assault as Poseidon: went 11/2/30 in a win. FINALLY. Highest match damage, but our entire team was steamrolling. It was late, and after finally getting a win, I was done. Whew.
Anyway, I gotta work on finishing Zelda. But this was a nice refresher. Gotta play again with Zero to show him I don't absolutely suck.