June 02, 2014

A "Rocking" Team Composition

Views: 1881 zerozapper
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Hello to who ever may read this,
A couple of days ago my brother , a friend and I tried out a team in conquest and it was amazing.
Since then we have used the same team nonstop in joust 3v3,

In that first conquest game, it started out as 4v5 and later 3v4/5 because 2 of our team members disconnected (one of them eventually came back but was to weak and actually was feeding the enemy) and one of the opponent kept disconnecting and reconnecting.

Pretty surprising we dominated that game, pretty much with the 3 of us.

Our new team composition is Geb(Me) , Ah muzen cab, hades.

With geb I can literally Stand still and survive a lot of attacks.

We have only lost a couple games in joust 3v3 with this team, and it seems to work really well so far.

I mostly just stack defense (dependent on the enemy team) Starting of with "The Breastplate of Valor" For some extra mana early on, and then adjusting my items to the enemy.

Ah muzen is manly damage build with some survivability.

And our hades…
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