March 28, 2016

Don't know a title

Views: 976 OwlTown
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First of all: thanks. Really! Some of you have said some very kind words and it once again showed me that among a lot of ***holes there are also amazing people on the internet =) Keep it up guys!
It also helped me to talk to my bf. I just wasn't able to tell everything, but at least it helped a little.
Yesterday (sunday) I wasn't able to get 3 first wins of the day for the free chestroll. I only had the time to play 2 matches and one of them was lost. It's not the end of the world, but it's too bad. I really wanted the chestroll, haha. But!! I did have some luck with other chests: I really wanted the feaster bunny Bakasura skin (from the moment it was released) and I finally gave it a chance. I tried the Spring Holiday Chest and yes, first try and I had the feaster bunny!! =D I was home alone, so I actually cheered out loud XD I was just really happy, don't judge. Later I also got hs voicepack from another chest, so that was nice too!
Well, I still have to finish a stupid assignment because my partner in as incompetent as ****
Signing out.