March 31, 2016


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I just read something about ants that want our breadcrumbs and we're not willing to give them ^.^"
But I've also read a lot about Loki on Reddit. Yes I'm everywhere .... no, not really =( Anyway! I notices a lot, an I mean a LOT, of people hate Loki. I understand he can be very annoying especially when you don't know how to deal with him. But I'm a noob (and I am the only one who is allowed to call me that!! D=<) and I don't have much trouble with Loki anymore. I admit, when I see a Loki I always think "Uh oh, this is gonna be tough". But it doesn't matter which god I play, I usually manage quite good. That doesn't mean he never kills me though =P To me he's just a god like any other. Lately I have more trouble playing against Zhong Kui, hahaha.
Time to be proud of myself again =D Today I gained a new achievement: I have 60 gods at mastery 1 or higher. Whoohoo!! Party and stuff!! No? Okay =|
Sometimes I get way too excited way too easily. Ah, who cares =D
I have been at home yesterday but also today because I didn't (and still don't) feel well. Right now I'm not sure if I will go to school tomorrow. I think I won't feel much better tomorrow, but my father will be at home the whole day. All of you are like "So? What's wrong with that?". Well, you don't know him. So yeah, big decision. That I have been home also explains how I coud have gained 2 masteries since yesterday XD I usually don't have that much time to play.
For now, I'm out of stuff to talk about, so......
Signing out.