July 01, 2013

[The Best Around] Needs 2 more!

Views: 840 mscalahan3
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clan  |  looking for  |  smite  |  recruit  |  general  |  intro  |  matchmaking  |  need people  |  competitive  |  gaming  | 
First off a little history.. There are three people that run this clan, we had a previous clan and we went to tournaments with it and played competitively.. We also scrimmaged other clans regularly but because we had younger members in it we decided it wasn't really working out so we disband that clan and made this one.

The Best Around at the moment is made up of myself (IGN Fogle), (IGN Onslaught13), and (IGN Saotic)
I play mainly mages or anything ranged. Onslaught and Saotic usually lane together and play anything that's needed, but mostly tanks.

The Best Around is looking to have a fresh start, we need at least 2 more players and however many subs later, any god is fine and any position. Everything is still open at this point. So if you like to join mature players with some competitive experience come play with us.

Also, Teamspeak and a mic is required.

Message/add me in game FOGLE for a tryout game(: