October 17, 2016

A Love Letter to Assault

Views: 2172 Branmuffin17
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Casual  |  Assault
I'm feeling the love bursting from my chest.

I love Assault. Now don't get me wrong. I now have some appreciation for every game mode.
  • Arena: quick gameplay, sure it's unbalanced, but sometimes interesting comps work. It's also quick and a good warmup.
  • Clash: it's sort of like an elongated Arena. Sure it's got 2 (really close) lanes and some objectives, but it's still mostly a teamfight.
  • Joust: even though I suck at it, being in a 3-man is like an intimate version of a 5-man queue. Great for when you can't get a full team together.
  • Siege: now that I understand the mode better, I'm down for it, at least when queuing a full group. I can build like I would for Conquest, with starting items and stacking items, and it's like always being in the Duo lane, with a sometimes weird comp. I like the warping option...convenient.
  • Conquest: Even if we only have 3 or 4, queuing for this means that me and my teammates are the bulk of the team, minimizing toxicity to some degree. Now that I'm a bit more comfortable with some roles besides Support, it also helps a lot. Probably the least comfortable with Solo...I have to find a good god or two that works for me.
But in the end, Assault's so much of a comfort zone that I don't mind solo-queuing. It's a fairly short game with very little pressure. As I press Accept, I always get a bit nervous to see which god I'm going to roll...but in the end, I'm now comfortable with almost all gods, which probably helps things a lot...I've unlocked all but 3 or 4 gods at this point. I pretty much know how I'm going to want to build, which is also helpful.

Funny enough, the gods I used to like most are the ones I now like least in the mode. Odin was the first god I unlocked, and sure, he might be great in this mode, but he's now sort of boring for me. I also used to like the healing gods a lot, and I do like me some stance-switching Hel, but prefer leaving the healing to others unless I'm scared they won't heal...which I sort of am a lot, hahaha.

I also cringe when I roll Hades, Khepri, Ravana, or Geb. GOD I hate Geb!!! In ALL modes...he's sooooo boring.

I'm a bit uncomfortable with the ADC role in Conquest (I prefer deferring the need to carry to people like Ducks or Bullfrog or Zilby or whomever), but oh man, in Assault, give me Ah Muzen Cab any day! (lol look at that damage)

I also like a lot of Assassins, and am learning to be patient with them (that's really key). I'm also cool with Mages, especially Eset, Kukulkan and Sol.

And so what if we roll a horrible comp, and 4 of us reroll and STILL have an unbalanced team (#*)&#(^%!...this happens quite often). The game's going to be short, and there's little toxicity in comparison.

So thank you, Assault, for always being there when my friends aren't. You keep things interesting.