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Cabrakan damage build

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Forum » General Discussion » Cabrakan damage build 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MarPro15 » December 12, 2014 10:35am | Report
Since the day cabrakan was released i've seen great potential for power builds, I have already tried a few times and i have seen that cabra is VERY powerful when built properly, my current build is: pen boots, poly, book of thoth, warlock's, ethereal, tahuti. with this build i have about 800 power, 3500 health, and the mighty polynomicon (polynomicon combined with your 1 can deal a serious amount of damage). If anyone has a better idea for a damage build, please tell me.

EDIT: one of the things that make cabrakan damage build hard to pull off is because it is very hard to be succesful with it in conquest, because the early to mid game stages are very challenging, only when you have your stacked warlock + ethereal can you survive in larger fights where you have to get up close to deal damage. also, playing a lane is difficult if your enemy has a stun/silence/knockup. and jungling doesnt work very well either. any tips on this?

SECOND EDIT: I just played this exact build in joust league versus a thanatos, and boy it was fun, the first few minutes are hard, because you dont have an easy way to clear your wave, I even got killed a few times, but i rushed thoth, then bought boots, then poly, and then thanatos had to succumb to the superior power of cabrakan, I eventually won 5-2. So this build can be viable in joust.


Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » December 12, 2014 2:29pm | Report
I would switch the stacking items to earlier in the build (because after your 3rd item you can better stop stacking)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MarPro15 » December 13, 2014 12:56am | Report
Devampi wrote:

I would switch the stacking items to earlier in the build (because after your 3rd item you can better stop stacking)

I know what you mean, but is it really doable? you need poly and boots early on for lifesteal and movement, and I generally dont have any trouble stacking, also its not necessary to get 100 stacks on warlock, 50 is already okay.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by PJsutnop » December 16, 2014 3:27am | Report
I use to play him a lot in soo lane, and he realy needs to chage his playstyle depending on the scenario. In order to dominate the lane he have to put on a lot of pressure early and basicly forcing the foe to stay back through agressive play. This can be hard if the foe is realy superior early game, has a lot of defense or a much better early game jungler to put you at check in the first few minutes. Therefor depending on both teams I change both playstyle and build. I tend to use pen boots, poly, either witchblade or void stone depending on the team, bancrofts, tahuti and soulreaver as a basic build agasint squishies, but if I'm against, f.ex, a chaak witch can easely outpush and mitigate the damage I deal, I use a more defensive set-up rushing for example breastplate of valor.Tho if the jungler is f.ex a serqet or baka then having warlock can realy help over pure prot. The one Item I NEVER go for on cab that so many do is GoI. It just doesn't work in the current meta with all the mobility it has.

THe thing with solo cab is that tbh I don't think he works as an all out attacker, mostly cuz of him needing to have a long range. He can easely burst down a singular target using blink -> 1 -> 2 -> 4 -> 3 if hes squishy, but if hes not he'll just be sitting using his 3 hoping to get some more damage in. In a teamfight scenario he'll be useless after that initial burst. There for by running a more defensive setup with cd he can easely runinto a teamfight and set up all kinds of kills for the rest of the team. When I play him I tend to have an pretty bad early game, but then in mid-late game I dominate all teamfights as the low cd stuns and displacments realy screw the foes over.


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