July 04, 2014


Views: 923 ZenZen
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Smite  |  Ao Kuang
Hello everyone. I'm new posting here in SmiteFire and I have just created a guide for my personal build for Ao Kuang yesterday.

Here in my blog, I'd like to use this space to talk about my recent Smite Battles and pretty much just brag about how good I am using Ao Kuang. I understand that he is an easy god and I also still have much to learn about him.

My main gods are Ao, Neith, and Arty.

And I'm currently getting used to Freya, and Ymir.

Of course, I play other gods than these like Arachne and Ra. But oh well.

Unfortunately my laptop can't handle recording my battles on twitch. So instead, I'll flaunt my achievements here in this blog. :D

Every now and then I might post something non-smite related.

OH, and I recently started making Smite Memes. I don't intend for these memes to be credited to me, feel free to use them. I'll post them in another blog.

Guess that's it for my introduction.

We'll take them by STORMS!