April 30, 2018

Just a normal casual match

Views: 1737 xmysterionz
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solo  |  instalock

  1. Look for a match
  2. Select your role
  3. Someone also select the same role as you but after you
  4. This guy go and Instalock in one God to this lane

  5. See your self with two options:
  • Troll the game and still in your role (that you asked first) and whatever.
  • Be forced to play in other role against your wish because someone is an a**hole.

What would you do?

If I'm in a good mood (the most times I am), I just ignore and put other role (but, In fact I want be toxic and troll, 'cause, at least for me, instalock in conquest is trolling, we are high levels, we know (at least should know) play this game)

People please, if someone got "your" role, change it, don't do it or other trollings, we can't get what we want every time :v

Detail (spoiler)