June 08, 2015

Crikey [In the outback (with me wallaby)]

Views: 1538 Wolfman5665
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Sobek  |  SexySobek  |  Subzero  |  Talen  |  Zilby  |  PerfectPrism  |  Femfatalis  |  Soapsuds  |  Daoqrs  |  wolfman  |  Penta  |  too tired to think o
After many years of research, I have decided that Hi-Rez is taunting me... I start maining Sobek and get super happy when I hear about Crikeydile...

Then... I log on... and its chest exclusive... with 54 other items in it.... WHY?! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME HIREZ?!

Rest in peace, my sweet child, rest in peace. For HiRez has betrayed us... and now is the time to overthrow them, and I will once again take my rightful place... as ruler of crocs.