March 14, 2016

My Problem With Thor

Views: 1169 Sodsboy
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Me  |  Jungle  |  Thor
Now I love playing in Jungle, I always try and get the role no matter what but for some reason there is one assassin I can't seem to wrap my head around no matter what I do. It's Thor and as much as I hate to say it; I don't like playing him or playing against him.

Main reason for not playing him is that his kit in my eyes is way just something I can't work out on how to sort out. I normally do the 4-2-1-3 combo and I can barely drain someone's life. Am I doing it wrong or have I not built right? And the main reason I hate playing against him is that I can be playing Janus in mid and then I get dunked on and get 100 to 0 before I get a chance to escape.

Any tips for playing Thor? I really need some help

Happy Hunting,