March 04, 2013

Ranked Solo, Elo Hell

Views: 1387 Rkraz3d
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Okay, so I have run into a problem with ranked:

I never get good teammates.

It seems as if I always get stuck with at least one noob who just starts playing ranked and doesn't know a single flying frick about whats going on.

I have been in 6+ games in ranked where I have at least two players who don't know what they are doing. Whether it be banning Kali and picking Bakasura first, or calling me stupid for not picking Sobek or Ymir.

Please, My elo at one point was over 1000 much like a lot of you. Now 20 and dropping.

What the hell am I supposed to do? Is it just me who keeps getting stuck with these Ignorant Open beta kids who feel like they know everything just because they hit level 30 and are able to acquire 20+ kills with Freya in Arena?

Please let me know, and what should I do to get my Elo higher? Because I feel like if I join a game, my team will once again be full of noobs.