June 11, 2013

Love Guide

Views: 1003 RazeMage
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First of all, i don't know how to write the title.

I know, i am a bit weird talking my personal life here, but i don't have any other friend to share my feelings with.

So, yesterday, I hanged out with my friends and watched Star Trek (and it's awesome). I sat in a seat where i could see my crush (i'm not going to tell you which exactly if a friend of mine could see it). It hurts so much when that person talking to that person's "best friend". I know that I am the one that makes them that close but it still hurts.

That person hurt me for not caring much about me although i had do much thing. I always felt hurt. I wanted to tell that i love that person but i'm scared making that person mad or even ditch me.

If anyone had experience in middle school like this (i'm young you know) i could use some help :( thanks

So, talking about guide, i just made an athena build but just for fun since i built him full damage. (although i made the second tanky build) If you have time please see it and upvote it if you like. HERE

If you want me to make more guide just PM me (although i'm not that good at making guides :P)

I'm thinking of making guide to counter gods, should i do it?