February 11, 2014

Hearthstone: Lucky BRAWL

Views: 1094 MadDanny
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I just played an arena hearthstone as a Warrior. Had an Ogre 6/7 and he had one as well as 2 taunts. And I had a brawl ready (It destroys all minions except one which is chosen randomly), so I figured I'd use it.

But just not to risk my 6/7 Ogre I used my 5/4 Ancient Brewmaster to bring it back to my hand. And after the BRAWL card was up. The most amazing thing that's ever seen happened to me for the first time with a brawl card. Out of my one minion and his 3. Mine survived!

Talk about Kung Fu Panda!

Just felt like putting this up. Damn I was lucky with that. I think my mouth gapped for a good 10 seconds while staring at that one hell of a lucky panda.

P.S. I still lost. xD