August 13, 2013

I'm back... I think.

Views: 915 JararoNatsu
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Hey everyone, I've been away for awhile, doing various things. Friend drama, getting ready for school, looking for a job, etc. But, I think I might be popping up more often, due to two things: One, I have been playing a HELL of a lot more, and two: I MADE EDITOR!

I have been playing a lot of Ao Kuang lately, and have found him to be my newest favorite God. Of course, I cannot deny my love for Artemis. I can easily say that I am best with Ao, though, and a friend and I have a deadly Ao/Fenrir solo/jungle combo.

I hope that I can assist anyone and everyone in any way that I can. I plan on working on my Artemis guide as well as making a solo guide for Ao Kuang.

See you guys around, JararoNatsu.