May 29, 2013

I Can Make A Post Again!

Views: 1303 JararoNatsu
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First of all, dance mentally with me *drops a disco ball*

Anyway, I'm excited to say that my Artemis guide has surpassed 25,000 views and has 10 votes. I never expected it to get that far, so I'm rather happy. I intend on doing much more with it, so expect good things for it.

I have not been happy with Hi-Rez lately. They don't seem to be producing what their players find favorable. Ranked abilities I got used to, but I still don't like them. Granted, they are still doing a lot of great stuff and I appreciate every bit of work they put into the game, but they could think a bit more on what they do.

What annoys me the most is that Hi-Rez is following in the foot steps of Riot. Their most recent Gods are beefy and powerful so they can bring in more players, and instead of bringing the older Gods up to date they think that design reworks and detail works are the solution.

Seriously Hi-Rez, is it that hard to take a look at all of the other MOBA's and say "How can we NOT make their mistakes?"

On another note, I feel like I've been particularly... mean, lately. I'll tell you now, there is a good reason for that. If you look at all of the mediocre guides, the derailed and necro'd threads, and the lack of activity from the Veterans and Editors (although I love what you do already :P), there is not enough "strict" on SmiteFire. And while we don't need an Asmoday, we DO need someone who is strict and keeps things going. Oh, that sounds arrogant... YOU GET THE POINT!

ANOTHER NOTE: I have a nemesis: TheAmazingComicBookGuy. And by that, I mean like that Pokemon rival that you battle every once in awhile but are friends with. So... Huzzah!

I feel I should wrap this up... I won't be playing Smite much in the next few weeks since my computer is ****, but I will be getting a new one soon and when I do I will be joining in as a mentor for Ranged AD's.

Time for more dancing *disco ball drops down again* LATER!