February 07, 2014

Equality and the 'simpleton's' view on it

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'Everyone's posting depressing blogs and here I am posting random **** that I feel like posting'

Ok, I'm doing a book right now that has been crammed down almost everyone's throats, and that is, *tutturu* ANIMAL FARM!

Yes, Animal Farm, George Orwell's book that criticises the Russian Revolution la di da. Now, I'm not here to talk about the book. I'm here to talk about my English class.

So, my lovely teacher put a phrase on the board and we simply had to express our thoughts on it.

"Everyone should be treated equally"

Now, everyone else, which I'd like to call sheep or simpletons because they simply accepted what most people believe in as opposed to actually thinking about it in depth and eveloping their own opinion on it, in the class said that yes, this is right, this is what society should strive for and this would fix all the issues in the world, God bless America and it's never ending freedom.

Except for me.

Why? I mean, everyone being treated equally is what everyone should strive for. Well, it's all in the wording.

"Everyone should be treated equally"

This means that everyone should receive the same amount. Now, from a social perspective, yes, this is right, but from an economic perspective, no. This would literally do nothing if these were the words that the world had to live by.

Personally, I think the correct phrase is:

'Everyone should have the right to earn the same amount of money as the next person'

Let me explain.

Dickens McDonalds is a man living in housing commissions. He dropped out of high school, and therefore is unemployed and is unable to make a living for himself. He is currently living in poverty due to a meow meow addiction.

Shusnaugh Tomothy Balboaic (It's Croatian) is a billionaire. He is the CEO of McBurger Fried Bell, and earns more than enough to get through life. He worked hard and studied economics, business management and nutrition in high school and has a Masters in Idon't****ingknowwhatyouneedtorunacompany.

Now, one day, Dickens is given $10000 to give him a boost in his life. But wait, everyone should be treated equally. If just this poor man gets $10000, then that means the rich people aren't treated equally! WHAT IS THIS INJUSTICE? So, in order for everyone to be treated equally, Shusnaugh also gets $10000, and so does everyone else in the country. And now that everyone is richer, prices can go up because I'm a 14 year old boy I would know everything about ecomononomy. And what does this leave us? The exact same scenario in the very beginning. Nothing would change.

But, with my altered statement, which is basically how society works right now, if Dickens actually put in effort in high school and wasn't 'misguided' enough to take meow meow, then he could actually have a good amount of coin on him.

Quite frankly, Dickens doesn't deserve the money. If money was just handed out, then ****, I'd drop out right now and run away with my computer. If someone can earn enough money but doesn't because he doesn't try, he doesn't deserve to have the same economic standing as a billionaire. But if his potential to earn the same amount is taken away from him by someone else, then that would be unjust and actually be a problem we should actually care about.

Welp, I'm done.

Also, yes, I know Animal Farm is talking about equality from a rights and leadership standpoint, but the English class was talking about equality from an economic standpoint.