July 18, 2016

Wait, What?! Ducks Is Done With Adc?!

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So, anyway. ever since patch 3.12, doulane became pretty stale in regards to god picks.

i mean, sure, Skadi is playable, but its just not the same. you never see any diverse adc picks, and you always face the "i need a rework" trio, Hou Yi, Neith and Sol. also, support picks are now more limited because high clear supports are much better now.

so what role am i gonna play now? mostly mid, the occasional jungle and solo pick. i feel like mid is a lot more fun with a lot more options and a lot of fun gods to discover, like just today i completely fell in love with Vulcan].

and there are now a lot of different play styles in midlane, and its really fun to try out each one in games you feel like you need them. also, i love the roams. the roams are really fun. oh, i killed the enemy? time to roam into doulane for a double kill!

also, Arachne is my waifu :p.