April 09, 2016

Guys, I Am Now Officially DogsRock

Views: 824 DucksRock
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Dog  |  #Dogs  |  #ImmigrantDogs  |  Filthy Cat
So basically, i entered a match and i accidentally called adc 3 times, so one of the guys on my team said i was a triple adc, i picked Skadi and said "I have 3 dogs) and then, they changed into Anubis and Fenrir, AND THE DOG MATCH STARTED ROLLIN!

Basically, Fenrir was supposed to go jg and Anubis was supposed to supp. they followed me around all game, we got first blood.

We had a Guan Yu and a Raijin, so Raijin was an outcast cat and Guan Yu (Juan yu) was an immigrant dog.

we basically just did dog jokes all match and we rotated A LOT, which caused baka to be fed, BUT WE WON!

it was the funnest match i've had in a while, and i invite you all to recreate that match again.

Who Let Kaldr, The Winter Wolf out? I DID!