August 25, 2017

I'm Back again!

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So I havent been on SF in a long time now, just got back from a 2 week vacation at my parents etc. last Sunday.

Yesterday I finished all my qualifiers for ranked. Went 6/4 this split (9/1 last split) and last split I had to play all the way from Silver 2 and up to gold 1 in the end with a 62% win rate.

And guess what?! Im back in Silver 2 PogChamp!!!!
I am soon to be promoted though and hopefully I will be able to skip a few ranks this time.

I also made a new friend along the way:
I 1v1 this guy as ADC, I was 1 hit and he was 3 hits I juked his AAs and killed him (EzPz ofc., didn't even break a sweat even. JK my ADC is ****ing terrible). So he started to PM me in game and after the game (that we lost), while in DND so I could not reply back (HiRez fix this plz). My team didn't manage to counter a 4 physical comp (I even went Ichaival...).
So I queued again. This time I got jungle and got to play some NeZha PogChamp.
Camazotz is my new friend btw (he has his profile hidden ofc.).

After the game I talked with some of the other ppl in lobby and he had been the same way to them.

So I sent two support tickets to HiRez (waiting for a reply) and 2 in game reports his way. So we will see if anything happens, just waiting for that satisfying ban notification ATM.