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November 20, 2015


Views: 1506 overld1
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Everyone that follows me and looks at my builds. I'm going to be on vacation starting today I will not come back till next Saturday. So don't expect any new builds or changes in the next week. A other thing I ask you guys for a favor is to look at my friends profile. He's one of my personal friends so please give him love, his profile name is Advanced Drone please look at his builds and comment on them he gladly appreciates it. For the next hour I'm revising my Kali build to make much better and don't make it like a three year old did it. As always Happy Killing!

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November 20, 2015
+Rep | Report
So my Chiron guide received it's 5 votes already ( YAY ! ) And I'm left with this :

3 upvotes, 2 downvotes.

Not trying to say anything, but I bet my sweet *** that the downvotes are from other Chiron guide makers. I know the upvotes are from Zilby, Gamegeekfan and Stuke.

So I just ask one thing :


Cuz if not, you're just a salty douche.

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November 20, 2015
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So I know this isn't much but I've always been thinking to myself about this. Is Rod of Asclepius really useful in any sense?

Now I know what you might be thinking: "But Sods, why must you question this?" Reason being is that I haven't seen a single guy on any games I've played use this even though it is a good item for gods like Ra, Hel and even Sylvanus in a few cases. Now it may not seem like much but that 15% of increased healing is easily countered by items such as Brawler's Beat Stick, Divine Ruin and Pestilence so it doesn't really grant much.

What I would like to see is for the percentage maybe to be increased to 20% maybe? It might seem like much but the item really needs something to make it even worth having on some gods.

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November 20, 2015
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So I finally took some time to finish the chapters I have been working on. and well now the only thing I need (and should do) is a spelling/grammar fix before I can call it a legit 1.00 version.

I don't know how well future updates will get as my view of the game is getting more off. I have been playing way to much LoL lately (because I can hit almost pre mades pretty fast because of new friends. and because smite doesn't allow a 4 man queue in CQ)

Also should someone decide to try LoL for some reason and plays on euw (I do have a smurf on NA but I don't play on that one often) you can add my account (pm me for it as it isn't the same name as in smite yet)

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November 19, 2015
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This week, it's Xbalanque's turn to get a guide. Now you might be wondering how he fits the clue for this week. Well, here's how:
1. Xbalanque uses hunting gear instead of magic.
2. Xbalanque created mischief when he turned Hun Batz into a monkey.
3. One time, Xbalanque was trapped in the Blade House and literally talked metal blades out of killing him.
Also, all my previous guides have been updated, so please go view them.

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November 19, 2015
+Rep | Report
So I've just recently mastered Chiron and I've realised how broken he is (Like most new gods in Smite, just look at Sol)

It's safe to say that he has a **** ton of damage and his ability to heal himself and teammates allows him to skip dev gloves and go straight into mana stacks with Transcendence Which is a real help though I do like to have some life steal via the form of Soul Eater or Asi.

I've already made a guide on this so check that out if you really must know what build I use. But back to my general thoughts about him which are..."mixed"
His passive is really powerful early game and slightly goes strong late game due to it's scaling. His Training Exercise is beads for your other teammates due to it's ability to cleanse but his number two; Masterful Shot it's really annoying especially for people like Neith and Loki.

Apart from that I do like Chiron and I hope they tweak him just so he can be countered by other hunters. One major change I want is for his Masterful
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November 18, 2015

A New Dawn

Views: 742 Sodsboy
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I'm Sodsboy and I guess this is a first for me to actually start a blog. Never really attempted this but let's try it anyway.

I'm 15 years of age (Sep 30th) and a massive gaming nut, anything game wise I'm on it like a hot pocket. Though recently Smite has took my attention for the longest time (2-3 years aprox.) since of it's interesting gameplay and that it's not a point and click bore fest (Not that DotA and LoL aren't bad....It's just I can't get used to them.)

When I began playing Smite I normally just stuck to Ra since he was probably the best beginning mage at the time. I've been through quite a few updates and broken gods (Btw Sol still needs a nerf -wink-) and I've gone through a few matches and made new friends and some enemies.

I don't have much to say so I'll just leave some contact details and IGN if you need/want to talk to me for some odd reason.

Curse:Sodsboy (I'm found on here quite often.)
Skype: Haha...You guys think…
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November 17, 2015

Even less smite!

Views: 1184 Zilby
+Rep | Report
So on top of still going all completionist on Binding of Isaac Afterbirth, I also recently acquired Halo 5.

I shall not be on smite that much in the next couple weeks. That is all. Good day sirs .

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November 16, 2015
+Rep | Report
Another week, another clue; time to post another clue for the next god in the D.O.G. House. The routine should be familiar now so here's the clue:
Many gods use magic, but this god doesn't use magic as their primary weapon. This god would rather use magic to create mischief and even use it to command metal blades to not kill them.
Also, I have updated my Medusa guide so please check it out.

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November 16, 2015

Top Talk

Views: 3740 Spooky Deadeye
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Cough, cough! Hmm! HMMMM!!! Where was Eye? Ah yes. Welcome to Top Talk! In this here random Blog where no one will give a damn, i will be posting whatever comes to mind and i will share it when whoever even reads it... Also, in Top Talks, we will be talking about Smite Competitions, too. Who the hell is even gonna bother with me... I need to go out more...
Praise the sun!

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